coaching services agreement
The services to be provided by the coach to the client are coaching, as designed jointly with the client.
Coaching, which is not advice, therapy or counselling, may address specific personal projects, business successes, or general conditions in the client's life, job or business.
Upon completion of the initial agreed coaching period, coaching will end and if coaching is to continue, a new agreement will be put in place between client and coach.
The price for individual coaching services is as per the published price on the services page of this website paid either up front or instalments via a payment plan which is agreed case by case with each client.
Coaching Sessions
All sessions within a package or programme must be used within a maximum of six months unless otherwise agreed in advance.
Unless otherwise stated, sessions will be approximately sixty minutes in duration, apart from the first session which will be up to ninety minutes in duration.
Operating Hours
I work during normal office hours Monday to Friday (09:00 - 18:00 GMT/BST) and unless I have made a commitment to sessions during evenings and weekends, my available outside of these times is limited.
My availability is always up to date via calendly for booking sessions.
Scheduling, Cancellations and Rescheduling
Session times are reserved especially for you with preparation done by me ahead of time. I value our time together and know you will too by respecting and keeping your appointment.
It is very rare for me to run late for or to have to reschedule your session. If this does occur I will endeavour, with your permission, to extend your session time.
If you arrive or are late for your appointment please be aware that due to other appointments or commitments, it is unlikely I will be able to extend your session time.
If you are going to be more than ten minutes late for your session it is greatly appreciated if you could please let me know this with as much notice as possible.
I understand that sometimes things do come up and you may need to reschedule or cancel your session.
You are able to reschedule an appointment up to 48 hours beforehand and I do not charge cancellation fees within this time but do encourage you wherever possible to please give me as much notice as possible.
All matters discussed between us whether in person, via phone, Zoom or email, Voxer etc remain fully private and confidential.
I keep and dispose of your records in accordance with the appropriate privacy laws in my country of residence (the UK).
I encourage you to contact me via email and/or Voxer between our sessions. This is a service I provide to all my coaching clients which you are welcome to use and in fact, you will be surprised at how much we can move things via email and voice notes alone.
Coaching Methods
You acknowledge that the coaching series may be personally challenging and give rise to feelings such as frustration, stress and annoyance.
You will not hold me liable for any loss or cost incurred by you in the event of mental, physical, emotional stress or distress caused directly or indirectly in relation to your coaching series.
You will indemnify me in the event of any such claim.
You may notice that when we have our sessions that I will get down to it and into our session as quickly as possible. That is because I know how easy it is for us to get caught up in our stories and I want your hour to be 100% about you and your journey towards your goals.
Intellectual Property
You have no right to use or reproduce any of the processes, techniques, tools, exercises, presentations, methodologies or materials used by me in your coaching series, outside of your coaching series.
You must not at any time reproduce materials given to you except for your own personal use.
Coaching Services
By entering into a coaching relationship you understand that you are working with Sadie Tichelaar (This Curious Life Coaching) for professional life coaching at the agreed fee to facilitate the achievement of agreed goals as per this coaching agreement.
You also understand that professional coaching is distinctly different from counselling, psychotherapy or psychoanalysis and does not deal with the diagnosis or treatment of emotional problems.